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Mitigation Grants & Free Resources

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San Francisco County

Below you will find local preparedness programs, grants and resources to help you make home / property improvements and reduce risk in your community.  Scroll down to access grants and resources for San Francisco County.

Refer back to the “Get Started” page for statewide California information on brush clearing and other requirements and risk reduction resources for improving your home’s chances of surviving a wildfire and increasing your and your community’s eligibility for insurance discounts and renewal rewards.

Wildfire Risk Reduction (Mitigation) Resources

View grants, community programs and information that can help you reduce the chances of a disaster damaging or destroying your home. “Home hardening” means home improvements.  “Defensible space” means creating a plant and tree-free zone around your home.

ESS (Earthquake Soft Story) Retrofit Grant The California Residential Mitigation Program offers an ESS retrofit grant for homeowners whose house was built prior to 2000, and has a one-story living space over the garage, also known as “soft story.” A grant of up to $13,000 is available through the ESS program.

Click here to see if your house qualifies for the grant.

Click here to register.

Local Preparedness Resources

View contact information for community programs that are working towards resilient communities.

SF72 SF72: San Francisco’s Emergency Preparedness Hub


NERT logo San Francisco NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team)

Phone: (415) 970-2022

2310 Folsom Street,
San Francisco, CA 94110

is a nonprofit in service to community and faith-based organizations offering disaster planning education and consulting services.
San Francisco VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)

Contact: Donna Login, SF VOAD Chair
Phone: 415-596-3399

Fire Safe Councils are community-led organizations that mobilize residents to protect their homes and communities from wildfire.

Firewise Banner - Residents Reducing Wildfire Risks
Firewise is a national program that encourages communities to work together to assess and reduce wildfire risks.

We are unaware of any Fire Safe Councils or Firewise Communities in San Francisco County. Having Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities in an area helps residents to obtain and keep affordable insurance plans for their homes. Click here to learn more about starting a Fire Safe Council, or click here to learn more about making your community Firewise.
Disaster Preparedness

View contact information for community programs that are working towards resilient communities.

Listos California Disaster Ready Guide

Local Fire Departments and Government Agencies

Fire departments and government agencies in your area may be offering wildfire risk reduction programs and help.

San Francisco Department of Emergency Management

Phone: (415) 558-3800

1011 Turk Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Fire Department

Phone: (415) 558-3200

698 – 2nd Street,
San Francisco, CA  94107

Risk Reduction and Insurance Updates