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Yuba County

Below you will find local wildfire preparedness programs, grants and resources to help you make home / property improvements and reduce wildfire risk in your community.  Scroll down to access grants and resources for Yuba County.

Refer back to the “Get Started” page for statewide California information on brush clearing and other requirements and risk reduction resources for improving your home’s chances of surviving a wildfire and increasing your and your community’s eligibility for insurance discounts and renewal rewards.

Wildfire Risk Reduction (Mitigation) Resources

View grants, community programs and information that can help you reduce the chances of a wildfire damaging or destroying your home. “Home hardening” means home improvements.  “Defensible space” means creating a plant and tree-free zone around your home.

Yuba County Fire Safe Council (FSC) Chipper Day Program Chipping program to help residents create defensible space around occupied homes and reduce vegetation along access routes. Free for up to 3 hours of service

Contact Allison Thomson, Executive Director, at or (530) 645-2236 for more information.

Yuba FSC Wildfire Mitigation Review Program This is a free program that provides an on-site review of your homes and property. The purpose of this review is to assess the homes current level of wildfire preparation and to make recommendations on actions that will reduce risk to wildfire.

Contact for more information.

Yuba FSC Defensible Space Cost Share Program Up to 50% reimbursement cost (maximum $2000) of eligible defensible space improvements around homes

Contact for more information.

Yuba FSC Defensible Space Special Assistance Program Program to assist low-income seniors and low-income disabled citizens in creating defensible space around their homes

Contact or call (530) 645-2236 for more information.

Yuba FSC Reflective Address Safety Sign Program Provides Yuba County residents with reflective address signs for your properties to increase visibility during emergency situations. $20 donations encouraged but not required when ordering.

Contact programs@yubafiresafe.orgfor more information.

Local Wildfire Preparedness Resources

View contact information for Fire Safe Councils, Firewise Communities, and other programs that are working towards wildfire resilient communities.

Fire Safe Councils are community-led organizations that mobilize residents to protect their homes and communities from wildfire.

Yuba Watershed Protection and Fire Safe Council

Contact: Allison Thomson, Executive Director
Phone: (530) 645-2236


5363 Marysville Road
Browns Valley Ca 95918

Firewise Banner - Residents Reducing Wildfire Risks
Firewise is a national program that encourages communities to work together to assess and reduce wildfire risks. Visit Become a Firewise USA Site to learn how to make your community Firewise.

Lake Francis Estates – Dobbins
Stackhouse – Oregon House
Wildfire Preparedness

View contact information for Fire Safe Councils, Firewise Communities, and other programs that are working towards wildfire resilient communities.

Listos California Disaster Ready Guide

Local Fire Departments and Government Agencies

Fire departments and government agencies in your area may be offering wildfire risk reduction programs and help.

Yuba County Office of Emergency Services

Phone: (530) 749-7520 or (530) 749-7575

915 8th. Street, Marysville, CA 95901

Dobbins / Oregon House Fire District

Contact: Director Greg Holman
Phone: (530) 692-2255


9150 Marysville Road, Oregon House, CA 95962

Wildfire Risk Reduction and Insurance Updates