- Sounding a national alarm about shrinking coverage and protection gaps, taking action to reverse the trend through 3 new UP initiatives:
- The RISC Initiative to restore essential coverage to property policies
- The WRAP Initiative to increase mitigation/risk reduction support and rewards
- COVID-19 Loss Recovery: Helping interrupted businesses stay afloat
- Using virtual channels to avoid any interruption in services or advocacy
- Helping people and businesses be resilient despite climate and insurance changes
- High level collaboration with public agencies, officials and regulators
- Disaster preparedness and recovery outreach to businesses
- Post-disaster town halls and public forums
- 627,000 people used www.uphelp.org to get help
- Assisting disaster recoveries in CO, IA, TN, CA, LA and OR
- Improved Team UP volunteer training and deployment
- Shopping help webinars in partnership with CA DOI