November 2, 2012 A roadmap to emergency roadside assistance You’re stranded by the side of the road with an empty gas tank, a flat tire or smoke pouring out of your hood. This is not the time to wonder why you didn’t buy roadside assistance with your auto insurance policy. Instead, experts say, you…
November 2, 2012 Is your insurance company spying on you? In a plugged-in, digitized, 24/7 world, it’s tough to keep your personal information private. So, in this hyper-digital age, just how much does your insurance company really know about you? “A lot more than most consumers realize,” says Amy Bach, executive director of United Policyholders,…
November 2, 2012 What does it take to keep customers satisfied with auto insurance claims? Overall satisfaction with the car insurance claims process has risen over the past year, despite the fact that claims are costing consumers more, according to a new study from market research giant J.D. Power and Associates. Using a 1,000-point scale, overall satisfaction by claim filers…
November 2, 2012 A 12-step plan for your Sandy insurance claim Some consumers will be shocked to learn that superstorm Sandy devastated not only cities, coastal areas and transit systems — but their pocketbooks, too. “A lot of people are going to have a rude wake-up call after this storm and realize that flood damage isn’t…
November 2, 2012 Insure Your Home Against Natural Disasters In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, hundreds of thousands of homeowners will be filing claims for compensation for their losses. They could be facing a second disaster if their homes weren’t properly insured for wind and flood damage. Approximately two-thirds of homeowners are underinsured for…
November 2, 2012 Mandated car insurance vs. mandated health insurance: What’s the difference? If Americans don’t raise an eyebrow over being forced by law to buy car insurance, why the big stink over having to get health insurance? That debate was rekindled when talk show host Piers Morgan recently posed that question to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, a…
November 1, 2012 The overlooked benefits of renters insurance The storm damage is still be tallied up from Sandy, but lot of New York residents will have to cover their losses themselves. That’s because most households in New York city rent — nearly 70 percent — and renter’s insurance isn’t a very popular product.…
October 29, 2012 Storms push insurance rates sky-high Insurers say they’re tired of rolling the dice with Mother Nature and losing, but critics say rate increases have gone too far. Homeowners insurance premiums are soaring in Minnesota, and consumers can expect more rate shocks ahead as insurance companies wager that a run of…
October 23, 2012 Doctors, Hospitals Nationwide Adding Fees to Medical Bills Call Kurtis Investigates: Doctors, Hospitals Nationwide Adding Fees to Medical Bills Hospitals and doctors offices across the country are tacking fees onto your bill, a CBS13 Call Kurtis investigation has learned. Doug Rischbieter of Arnold booked his appointment six weeks early, he said, with a…
October 22, 2012 Guest Experts: How To Support Your Aging Parents According to a MetLife study, a quarter of adult children, mainly baby boomers, provide care for their aging parents. Caring for aging parents can be rewarding, exhausting and frustrating all at once. It can also be expensive, and emotional draining, in more ways than people…
October 22, 2012 4 ways to cope if your employer drops disability insurance coverage If you get sick and miss work for several months, don’t be quick to assume that your employer provides enough disability coverage for you to get by. In recent years, a growing number of businesses have been dropping disability insurance for workers, according to a…
October 18, 2012 7 ways to investigate an insurance company online A consumer armed with a computer can find out a great deal about which insurance companies offer the most reliable service. You just have to know where to look online. David Cohen, CEO of Investigative Resources of Texas, says you can’t be too thorough. “You…
October 18, 2012 Rebuilding—if you don’t know, ask In 2011, a consumer advocacy group, United Policyholders, reported that at least 75 percent of the homeowners affected by the 2007 wildfires in San Bernardino and Riverside counties were underinsured by nearly a quarter of a million dollars. This amazing reality came after the catastrophic…
October 18, 2012 The 7 most terrifying car insurance words A car accident or major traffic violation can leave you rattled, but even scarier can be the effect on your car insurance rates . Here are seven words that are sure to send you screaming. 1. Surcharge If you think the embarrassment of causing a…
October 4, 2012 Law Would Strenghten Drivers’ Safety Nets Guest Viewpoint: Law Would Strengthen Drivers’ Safety Nets This editorial appeared in the September 18th Ithaca Journal. To read another editorial on this issue that appeared in the Buffalo News, click here. As a consumer advocate and former insurance analyst with the New York State…
September 11, 2012 When it comes to home insurance, read the fine print Andi O’Conor has twice lost a home to fire: The first time she was 12, the second time was two years ago. It was Labor Day. She was kayaking hundreds of miles away, when a friend told her about a wildfire near O’Conor’s home on…
September 10, 2012 Insured see climbing rates, as coverage declines Hurricanes, wildfires, hail storms: all the wild weather the past few years is taking a toll on homeowners’ insurance rates. Many premiums are up 10 percent or more this year. And you may be getting less for your money. Merle Scheiber filed his first-ever hail…
August 27, 2012 Can mortgage lenders hold your insurance money hostage? If your home has been seriously damaged or destroyed, your insurance company will release a check made out to both you and your mortgage lender to pay for the necessary repairs. “Lenders have a substantial investment in the property, sometimes more than the homeowner, especially…