Sample Letter Requesting Complete Copy of Homeowners Policy

NOTE: This letter is a sample that must be customized to fit the facts of your individual situation and claim. All bracketed and underlined portions must be completed or revised before sending. Use this letter to request a complete copy of your homeowners’ policy from your insurance company. (PRINT THIS LETTER AS A PDF.)

(Name of adjuster or highest ranking ins. co. employee)
(Name of Insurance Co.)

Re: Claim Number _____________
Date of Loss: __________________
Name of Insured: _______________________
Address of Insured Property: _____________


Please send me a complete and certified copy of my homeowner’s insurance policy, including all declarations, endorsements, riders and/or changes to the policy which would affect coverage at the time of the above-noted loss. Please send it to the mailing address listed below within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of this letter.

Thank you in advance for your prompt handling of my request. I look forward to receiving the above-requested documents and working with [INSURANCE COMPANY] to complete the claim process.
