Open Surveys

Hawaii Wildfire Survivors: (CLOSED & TABULATING)

Tracking progress and problems and gather data on insurance and wildfire recovery

2024 CA Home Insurance Survey: (CLOSED & TABULATING)

Monitoring pricing and availability

2024 CA Home Insurance Survey: (CLOSED & TABULATING)

Monitoring pricing and availability


Roadmap to Preparedness Surveys

California Home Insurance Surveys

Our Purpose is to collect data from insurance consumers/policyholders on marketplace conditions including availability and affordability.

2024 California Home Insurance Survey Summary Data – This survey was open from January 19th, 2024 – January 4th, 2025

2023 California Home Insurance Survey Summary Data – This survey was open from February 13, 2023 – January 18, 2024

2022 California Home Insurance Survey Summary Data – This survey was open from January 15, 2022- January 5, 2023.

2019-2021 California Home Insurance Survey Summary Data– This survey was open from February 2019 to January 2022.

2017 California Home Insurance Survey Summary Data – This survey was conducted in partnership with Placer, Nevada, and Mariposa Counties.

Colorado Home Insurance Survey

Our Purpose is to collect data from insurance consumers/policyholders on marketplace conditions including availability and affordability.

2024 Colorado Home Insurance Survey Summary Data – This survey was open from February 20th, 2024 – January 4th, 2025

Roadmap to Recovery Surveys

Our purpose is to collect data from disaster survivors on insurance claims and recovery progress at various intervals; identify coverage issues, individual and common problems and solutions, assess the pace of recovery and the claims handling performance of the various insurers in the region. 

  • 2021 Marshall Fire, Boulder, CO

    Two Year Survey Results – 2021 Marshall Fire, Boulder, Colorado

    Read our Marshall Fire Two Year Survey Report and Summary Data.

    Significant findings: This two year survey shows that despite the fact that a substantial number of those who lost homes were significantly underinsured, the vast majority of Marshall Fire Survivors are rebuilding. 93% of survey respondents who plan on rebuilding have applied for a permit. This is a very positive sign that recovery efforts are moving forward.

    Additional notable survey findings are as follows:  39% of survivors who asked their insurers to extend their Additional (Temporary) Living Expense benefits beyond a 24 month policy limit were successful in getting the requested extensions. 15% of survey respondents reported that they received 100% of their personal property benefits without having to complete an itemized home inventory.  

    In terms of claim problems, 69% of survey respondents reported delays in getting answers from their insurance companies to questions related to their claims, and to phone calls and/or emails.  This was a 10% increase from our 12 month survey. 64% of partial loss survey respondents reported their insurance company brought in experts they did not trust. 9% of total loss survey respondents reported this same problem. We attribute that to the fact that partial losses often involve a degree of subjectivity as to the extent of the damage that is not present on a total loss.  

    In light of consumer complaints and recent media reports related to property insurance marketplace conditions in the State of Colorado, the two year survey included a question that was not part of our 6 and 12 month surveys.  The question elicited whether the respondent was able to find insurance for their replacement home.  87% of survey respondents who replaced their homes by buying instead of rebuilding reported they were able to find insurance for their new home. 

    One Year Survey Results – 2021 Marshall Fire, Boulder, Colorado

    Read our Marshall Wildfire One Year Survey Report and Summary Data

    Significant Findings: The survey results show an overwhelming amount of underinsurance with 80% of survey respondents reporting that they do not have enough insurance to cover the cost of replacing or rebuilding their home.  The data collected shows that the average amount survivors are underinsured by is $110/psf.  Despite this, 83% of total loss survivors plan to rebuild, requiring funds from other sources besides their dwelling coverage.  Legislation has been passed to address the underinsurance issue. While it is not retroactive, we will be monitoring its impact against the data collected in this survey.  Another significant finding is there are significant disparities in the percentage of contents benefits survivors received without having to complete a home inventory. 

    6 Month Survey Results – 2021 Marshall Fire, Boulder, Colorado

    Read our Marshall Wildfire 6 Month Survey Report and Summary Data

    Significant findings:  A substantial number of households are underinsured and do not have adequate dwelling insurance limits to cover the actual cost of replacing their destroyed assets. This is true despite the fact that the majority of surveyed households reported having “extended replacement cost coverage” which theoretically should have protected them from being underinsured. This finding is supported by the Marshall Fire Claims Data Analysis conducted by the Colorado Division of Insurance.

    The survey results also show that 46% survey respondents have a dollar limit on Additional (Temporary) Living Expense benefits, despite the fact that Colorado law does not permit such limits, according to the Colorado Division of Insurance.

    Another significant finding is that in the majority of cases, insurers are strictly enforcing their requirement that total loss victims provide detailed, itemized personal property inventories in order to collect policy benefits.  In some cases, due to pressure from the Colorado Division of Insurance and United Policyholders, some insurers are relaxing that requirement for some claimants. 

    NOTE: Pursuant to a new CO law that applies to losses arising after January, 2022, insurers must offer policyholders the option of accepting 65% of their policy limits for personal property/contents in return for not having to prepare and submit an itemized inventory.  Only 14% of survey respondents were offered that option.

  • 2020 California Wildfires

    12 Month Survey Results – 2020 California Wildfires

    Read our 2020 California Wildfires Survey Report and Summary Data

    Summary and Highlights:

    • 58% of survey respondents have not yet settled the dwelling portion of their claim.
    • 18% of survey respondents reported they have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their home.  (42% of survey respondents reported being underinsured and 40% of survey respondents do not know if they have enough insurance to rebuild or replace their home)
    • The average amount people reported being underinsured by is $375,000.
    • 11% of survey respondents reported receiving 100% of their personal property limits without having to complete an itemized home inventory.
    • 69% of total loss survey respondents reported their insurer required them to list and describe every single damaged or destroyed item.
    • 44% of survey respondents reported experiencing delays in communication such as answering questions, phone calls or emails.

    *please note questions 5-7 were specific to Santa Cruz County and the CZU Lightning Complex Fire.

    6 Month Survey Results – 2020 California Wildfires

    Read our 2020 California Wildfires Survey Report and Summary Data

    Summary and Highlights:

    • 59% of survey respondents have not yet settled the dwelling portion of their claim.      
    • 23% of survey respondents reported they have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their home.  
    • 49% of survey respondents reported receiving an advance of 4 months of Additional Living Expense Coverage.  
    • 44% of survey respondents reported experiencing delays in communication such as answering questions, phone calls or emails.

    *please note questions 6-11 were specific to Santa Cruz County and the CZU Lightning Complex Fire.  To view the Santa Cruz filtered results, read our 2020 CZU 6 Month Report and Summary Data.

  • 2020 Colorado Wildfires

    One Year Survey Results – 2020 Colorado Wildfires

    Read our 2020 Colorado Wildfires Survey Report: One Year Recovery Status and Summary Data.

    Summary and Highlights:

    Significant findings mirror those of the Mid Year Survey: Two-thirds of the impacted homeowners are significantly underinsured (policy limits that are too low to cover the actual cost of replacing destroyed assets). Additional findings include widespread insurer non-compliance with a state law that requires that an advance of 30% of contents benefits be paid to claimants and high levels of stress associated with the insurance claim process. At the one year mark, many survivors are still working with their insurers to reach a settlement of both the dwelling and contents portions of their claim.

    • 54% of survey respondents have not yet settled the dwelling portion of their claim.      
    • 72% of survey respondents reported that their insurer’ estimates of loss and/or claim payments do NOT reflect current building costs in the area.
    • 64% of survey respondents reported they do not have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their home.  The average amount survey respondents reported being underinsured by is $355,000
    • 55% of all survey respondents reported they did not receive any of their personal property benefits without submitting a home inventory.  
    • 66% of survey respondents reported being required to list and describe every single damaged or destroyed item.
    • 51% of survey respondents reported delays of payments of policy benefits.
    • 49% of survey respondents reported experiencing delays in communication such as answers to their questions and/or responses to phone calls or emails.
    • 39% of survey respondents have had 4 or more adjusters assigned to their claim.

    Mid Year Survey Results – 2020 Colorado Wildfires

    Read our 2020 Colorado Wildfires Survey Report: Mid Year Recovery Status and Summary Data

    Summary and Highlights: 

    Significant findings include pervasive underinsurance (policy limits that are too low to cover the actual cost of replacing destroyed assets), insurer non-compliance with a state law that requires that an advance of 30% of contents benefits be paid to claimants, and a very high level of stress associated with the insurance claim process.

    65% of survey respondents reported they have not yet settled the dwelling portion of their claim.

    • Only 18% of survey respondents reported they have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their home.
    • 45% of survey respondents reported they did not receive any advance of their personal property benefits without submitting a home inventory.
    • 66% of survey respondents reported being required to list and describe every single damaged or destroyed item for their contents claim.
    • 54% of survey respondents reported experiencing delays in communication such as answering questions, phone calls or emails.
  • 2018 Camp Fire

    24 Month Survey Results – Camp Fire

    Read our Camp Fire Survey Report (Recovery Status at Year 2)

    Summary and Highlights:

    • 23% of 2018 Camp wildfire-impacted households that took the survey reported they had not yet settled the dwelling portion of their claim.
    • 66% of survey respondents reported they do not have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their home.
    • 32% of survey respondents received 100% of their contents benefits without being required to complete a home inventory.

    12 Month Survey Results – Camp Fire

    Read our Camp Fire Survey Report (Recovery Status at 1 Year)

    Summary and Highlights:

    • 67% of 2018 Camp wildfire-impacted households that took the survey reported they had reached a settlement with their insurer on the dwelling portion of their claim by the one-year anniversary. This is notably higher than the 50% of 2017 Atlas, Tubbs, etc. North Bay wildfire-impacted households who reported having settled by the one-year mark. Faster rarely means “better” in this context, as insurers often pay full dwelling policy benefits faster to those who are significantly underinsured.
    • Underinsurance persists. 60% of survey respondents reported being underinsured by an average of $163,000.
    • Good news: We are seeing lower reports of claim issues such as “lowballing” and delays in communication and payments.
    • Really good news: 39% of survivors have been paid 100% of their contents benefits without being required to complete an itemized contents loss inventory. United Policyholders works hard to help consumers negotiate contents itemization waivers.
    • 31% of Camp wildfire-impacted households are rebuilding/remaining in the area, the rest are undecided or not rebuilding. By contrast, 62% of 2017 North Bay wildfire- impacted households reported that they were rebuilding and remaining in the area at the one-year mark. We attribute this to the enormous scale of destruction to roads/infrastructure in the Camp/Paradise, CA. region.
    • 50% of insured survey participants reported that their biggest source of stress is the insurance claim process.
  • 2017 North Bay Fires Survey Results

    24 Month Survey Results – North Bay Fires

    Summary and Highlights:

    • 33% of survey respondents have NOT settled the dwelling portion of their claim.
    • 64% of survey respondents reported they do not have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their home by an average amount of $367,000.
    • 25% of survey respondents received 100% of their contents (coverage C) benefits without being required to complete an itemized home inventory
    • 43% of survey respondents reported that their insurance policy did NOT provide enough Additional Living Expense (“ALE”) benefits to cover temporary housing until their home was replaced or rebuilt.

    12 Month Survey Results – North Bay Fires

    Read our North Bay Fires – 12 Month Survey Report and Summary Data

    Claim Process and Underinsurance

    • 53% of survey respondents have NOT settled the dwelling portion of their claim.
    • 66% of survey respondents who know if they have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their home, reported being underinsured.
    • 34% of survey respondents reported experiencing delays in communication with their insurer such as getting answers to questions and return phone calls and emails.
    • 30% of survey respondents reported delays in payment of benefits.
    • 31% of survey respondents reported receiving a “lowball” settlement offer.


    • 62% of survey respondents plan to rebuild.
    • 17% of survey respondents do not plan on rebuilding.
    • 20% of survey respondents are undecided.
    • 67% of survivors who responded that they do not plan on rebuilding, reported their insurance company is restricting their benefits to buy elsewhere. (ex. deducting land value, will not pay Extended Replacement Cost and/or will not pay code upgrade coverage)

    6 Month Survey Results – North Bay Fires
    6 Month Survey Report and Summary Data

    Our Key Findings Include:

    • 80% of survey respondents have NOT settled the dwelling portion of their claim.
      60% of survey respondents have NOT settled the contents portion of their claim.
    • 66% of survey respondents report being underinsured on the dwelling portion of their claim.
    • 47% of survey respondents report being underinsured on the contents portion of their claim.
    • 42% of survey respondents report they did not get the 4 month advance of Additional Living Expense benefits that is part of the CDI Voluntary Claim Handling Reforms.
    • 33% of survey respondents reported experiencing delays in communication with their insurer such as getting answers to questions and return phone calls and emails.
      30% of survey respondents reported receiving a “lowball” settlement offer.
    • 23% of survey respondents received 100% of their contents (coverage C) benefits without being required to complete an itemized home inventory.
  • 2015 Valley Fire Survey Results

    6 Month Survey Results – Valley Fire

    Our Key Findings Include:

    • 65% of survey respondents reported they have not yet settled their claim
    • 53% of survey respondents do not have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their house by an average of $103,000
    • 64% of survey respondents reported they do not have enough insurance to replace their belongings by an average of $87,600
    • 53% of survey respondents reported that their insurance company did not explain depreciation and what they need to do to collect the full replacement value on depreciated items.
    • 31% of survey respondents reported delays in insurance company representative answering questions, phone calls or emails.

    Read the Valley Fire – 6 month survey data here

    *Results are in the process of being cross-tabbed by insurance company.*

  • 2015 Butte Fire Survey Results

    6 Month Survey Results – Butte Fire

    Our Key Findings Include:

    • 85% of survey respondents reported they have not yet settled their claim
    • 65% of survey respondents reported that they do not have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their house.
    • 69% of survey respondents reported that they do not have enough insurance to replace their belongings.
    • 56% of survey respondents reported that their insurance company did not give them an advance of 4 months of their ALE coverage.

    Read the Valley Fire – 6 month survey data here

    *Results are in the process of being cross-tabbed by insurance company.*

  • 2013 Black Forest Fire Survey Results

    12 Month Survey Results – Black Forest Fire
    Our Key Findings Include:

    • 57% of survey respondents reported they have not yet settled their claim
    • 46% of survey respondents do not have enough insurance to cover the cost of repairing, replacing or rebuilding their house
    • 59% of survey respondents reported they do not have enough insurance to replace their belongings
    • 70% of survey respondents were required to list and describe every single item that was damaged or destroyed

    Read the Black Forest Fire – 12 month survey data here

    Read the results cross-tabbed by insurance company

    6 Month Survey Results – Black Forest Fire
    Our Key Findings Include:

    • 78% of survey respondents reported they have not yet settled their insurance claims
    • 38% of survey respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling by an average of $100,000
    • 20% of survey respondents reported are worried they will run out of temporary living expense benefits

    Back Forest Fire_6 Month Survey Results

  • 2012 Colorado Wildfire Survey Results

    1 Year Survey Results – High Park and Woodland Heights Wildfire
    Our Key Findings Include:

    • 54% of survey respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling by an average of $101,000
    • 55% of survey respondents reported being underinsured on their contents by an average of $94,000
    • 47% of survey respondents reported their insurance company did not explain to me how they applied depreciation
    • 23% of survey respondents reported delays by the insurance company in answering questions and/or phone calls and/or emails
    • 27.7% of survey respondents reported delays in payment of policy benefits

    Read the High Park and Woodland Heights 1 Year Survey Data Here

    1 Year Survey Results – Waldo Canyon Wildfire
    Our key findings include:

    • 27.2% of survey respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling by an average of $77,000
    • 27% of survey respondents reported being underinsured on their contents by an average of $163,000
    • 54% of survey respondents reported their insurance company did not explain to me how they applied depreciation
    • 42% of survey respondents reported delays by the insurance company in answering questions and/or phone calls and/or emails
    • 38% of survey respondents reported the insurance company/adjuster made a “lowball” settlement offer.

    Read the Waldo Canyon 1 Year Survey Data Here

    6 Month Survey Results – High Park and Woodland Heights Wildfire
    Our key findings include:

    • About 25% of survey respondents have not yet reached a settlement with their insurance company.
    • 43% of respondents reported being underinsured on their home by an average $83,000
    • 42% of respondents reported being underinsured on their personal property by $72,000
    • 33% of respondents reported delays in payment of policy benefits
    • 34% of respondents reported delays in getting answers to questions and/or returning phone calls and/or emails

    Read the 6 Month Survey Data Here
    Read the results cross-tabbed by insurance company

  • 2011 Central Texas Wildfire Survey Results

    Our key findings include:

    • 56% of respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling by an average of over $110,000
    • 80% of respondents reported they do not have enough insurance money to replace their belongings. The average amount they fell short was $97,000.
    • 1/3 of respondents reported that their insurance company did not explain “depreciation” and how to collect full replacement cost on their items.
    • 35% of respondents responded their lenders (mortgage company) required insurance funds be used to pay down home loans.

    Read the 12 Month Survey Data Here

    Our key findings include:

    • 45% of respondents settled their insurance claim within the first 2 months following the fire.
    • 52% of respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling by an average of over $75,000
    • 69% of respondents reported they do not have enough insurance money to replace their belongings. The average amount they fell short was $66,000.
    • 40% reported that their insurance company did not explain “depreciation” and how to collect full replacement cost on their items.
    • 44% of respondents responded their lenders (mortgage company) required insurance funds be used to pay down home loans.
  • 2010 Fourmile Canyon Wildfire Survey Results

    Our key findings include:

    • 64% of respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling by an average of over $200,000
    • 36% of respondents have not yet reached a settlement with their insurance company on the dwelling portion of their claim
    • 35% of respondents will run out of “Additional Living Expense” benefits before they rebuild/replace their home.
    • 57% of respondents reported being underinsured on their personal property by an average of over $130,000
    • 43% of respondents do not believe a fair value was placed on their possessions
    • 65 % of respondents reported they received lowball estimates from their insurance company

    Read the 12 Month Survey Data Here
    Read the results cross-tabbed by Insurance Company.

    Our key findings include:

    • 61% of respondents reported being underinsured
    • 55% of respondents have not yet reached a settlement with their insurance company on the dwelling portion of their claim
    • The two most common disputes are over insurance coverage amounts and contents replacement.

    Read the 6 month survey results data here.
    Read the results crosstabbed by Insurance Company.

  • 2010 San Bruno Gas Explosion/Fire Survey Results

    Our key findings include:

    Key findings include:

    • 45% of respondents have not yet reached a settlement with their insurance company on the dwelling portion of their claim.
    • 50% of respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling by an average of over $200,000.
    • 50% of respondents percent reported they received “lowball” repair/rebuilding estimates from their insurance company
    • 39% of respondents reported that their insurance company did not fully explain how to collect full replacement cost benefits for depreciated items
    • 35% of respondents reported delays from their insurance company in responding to requests for information.

    Read the 12 month survey results data here
    Read the results cross-tabbed by Insurance Company

    Our key findings include:

    • 77% of respondents had not reached a settlement with their insurance company on the dwelling portion of their claim
    • 41% of respondents believe they are underinsured
    • 32% of respondents have disputes over repairs, damage or losses
    • 45% of respondents are not being required to itemize their contents

    Read the 3-4 month survey results data here.
    Read the results crosstabbed by Insurance Company.

  • 2007 Southern California Wildfire Claim Survey Results

    United Policyholders conducted a series of surveys following a group of late 2007 wildfires that occurred in and around San Diego County. Using online and printable survey forms and software that tallied up the results, UP and two partner organizations surveyed hundreds of individuals whose homes had been partially or totally destroyed. The first survey was conducted six months after the fires. The second survey was conducted one year after the fires, the third; two years.

    Our key findings include:

    • 66% of respondents reported being underinsured.
    • The average amount by which people reported being underinsured was $319,500.
    • 47% of respondents either had not yet settled after two years or their settlement was not enough to rebuild their home.
    • There was no definite pattern of when respondents settled, the process can take from 2 months to 2 years.

    Questions regarding Buying instead of Rebuilding

    • 22% of respondents are planning on buying or have bought a replacement home instead of rebuilding.
    • 34% of respondents who have settled, but the amount was not enough to rebuild the home they lost, so they opted to buy not rebuild.

    Most common insurance problems:

    • 76% of respondents experienced “lowballing”.
    • 43% experienced delays in responding to requests for information.
    • 39% experienced use of bias experts.

    Read the two-year survey results data here.
    Read the results cross-tabbed by Insurance Company.

    Our key findings include:

    • A total of 54% of people surveyed still had not settled the dwelling portion of their insurance claim as of one year after the fire, and 44% had still not settled the contents portion of their claim.
    • 70% of all respondents said they were underinsured.

    Read the one-year survey results data here.
    Read the results cross-tabbed by Insurance Company.

    Read the complete press release here.

    Our key findings include:

    • 75% of respondents reported being underinsured on their dwelling
    • The average amount by which people reported being underinsured was $240,000.
    • Only 18% of respondents have complained to the California Department of Insurance.
    • Less than 22% of respondents got the list of reimbursable expense items that insurers are required by California law to provide.
    • Insurers have waived the requirement that every single destroyed item be itemized/inventoried for 25% of the respondents.
    • Underinsurance is less of a problem on personal property and temporary living expenses than on dwelling coverage.

    Read the six-month survey results data here.